Final Event of SIRCLES Project
الورشة الختامية لمشروع سيركلز
House of Water and Environment participated in the 5th Steering Committee meeting held in Greece
مشاركة مؤسسة دار المياه والبيئة في اجتماع اللجنة التوجيهية الخامس في اليونان
SIRCLES: Winners of the SIRCLES sub-grants competition in Palestine, Jordan, Tunisia and Lebanon
فصل النفايات العضوية في عدد من مطاعم وفنادق مدينة رام الله
HWE works closely with Newcastle University (UK) and many other international institutions and funding agencies such as UNESCO, ESCWA, CEDARE, UNU, USAID, DFID, AFD, GTZ, GWP, EUWI, JICA, ACSAD, BGR, EU, etc.
HWE offers a wide variety of services in water, sanitation and environmental engineering and science from the needs identification stage to the elaboration of tender documents, supervision of works and technical assistance.