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About the Conference

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Millennium Development Goals approved by 189 countries in September 2000, and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation adopted in 2002 by the World Summit for Sustainable Development, emphasize the need to reduce inequalities, to change unsuitable consumption, to protect and sustainably manage natural resources for economic and social development and to safeguard health. These goals are in the heart of sustainable development of the Palestinian water sector. The historic balance between water demand and supply in Palestine has been artificially constrained by non-market forces and suffered from inequality problems. Thus, it is necessary to plan for and develop more equitable, yet sustainable, future water consumption rates and supply capabilities for needed social and economic development. The pollution question and environmental issues in Palestine are a major concern to the sustainable development of the Palestinian water resources. 

This conference will focus on the challenges facing the Palestinian water sector and demonstrating how solutions can be found through applied, innovative research and programmes of capacity building.

The conference aims to contribute to the long-term conservation, development and management of the water resources in Palestine through holistic approaches. 

This conference ”Sustainable development and management of water in Palestine” is an activity of the “Capacity Building and Training on Environmental Planning and Management” Project, 1998-2006 funded by the UNESCO-FLANDERS FUST, Flemish Government-Kingdom of Belgium who provided both financial and technical supports, and implemented by the Water Research Center at Alazhar University in coordination with all Palestinian institutes working in the field of water and environment.

This conference will disseminate the results of 21 research studies conducted and completed through the activities of UNESCO-FLANDERS FUST Project. Furthermore, the Organizing Committee is inviting researchers from the Arab region and the international community to participate in the conference by submitting papers to be presented and published if accepted in a special proceedings of the conference. All submissions should be in topics within the conference themes.

Key Dates
15 January 2007    First call for papers 
15 March 2007   Abstract submission deadline
15 April 2007   Notification of acceptance of abstracts
15 May 2007   Full papers due 
30 July 2007   Notification of full accepted papers
25 October 2007   Printing of conference proceedings 
Key Note Speakers:




Prof. Enda O’Connell Newcastle University UK
Prof. Mohammad Shatanawi University of Jordan Jordan
Prof. Magdy Hefny The Regional Center for Studies and Research of Water Uses Ethics Egypt
Dr. Hazem Al Nasser Former Water and Irrigation Minister Jordan
Mr. Nadim Mulhem German Technical Cooperation Agency (GTZ) Germany &Palestine
Dr. Yousef Abu Safeyyeh Palestinian Environment Authority Palestine
Dr . Dirk Raes K.U. Leuven University Belgium
Dr. Khairy Al Jamal The World Bank USA


Areas of work

HWE works closely with Newcastle University (UK) and many other international institutions and funding agencies such as UNESCO, ESCWA, CEDARE, UNU, USAID, DFID, AFD, GTZ, GWP, EUWI, JICA, ACSAD, BGR, EU, etc.

Main Goals

HWE offers a wide variety of services in water, sanitation and environmental engineering and science from the needs identification stage to the elaboration of tender documents, supervision of works and technical assistance.