House of Water and Environment organized on 18 December, 2006, a workshop on renewable energy in Ramallah, attended by a number of Palestinian and German experts.
The Palestinian experts were from BirZeit and Annajah universities, water and energy authorities, Jerusalem Electricity Company, Palestinian Hydrology Group and others.
The experts discussed how to use the technology for solar radiation for electricity generation and desalination of water.
Dr.Amjad Aliewi explained the importance of using this technology in Palestine with confirmation that the Palestinians should first their water rights in the Jordan River and groundwater basins and all means of water resources.
Eng Yousef Awayes, a director general in the Palestinian Water Authority-(PWA) and Eng. Deeb Abdalghafour from the PWA spoke about the water status of water supply in the West Bank, while Eng. Ahmad Yaqubi, a director general in the PWA, spoke about the Palestinian experience in using solar in Gaza, showing the needs for additional fresh water resources in Gaza.
Dr. Imad Braik from Annajah University spoke about the potentiality of using the solar radiation in Palestine.
Dr. Omar Kittaneh, the head of the Energy Authority in Palestine spoke about the importance of using this technology in developing Palestine.
Professor Gerhard Kneis from Germany gave examples about the practicalities of this technology and water it was applied in the Middle East.
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